Being still somewhat fresh to this, I haven't yet seen a gynecologist for my increasing suspicions of endometriosis. It's been two years of pain and nothing and now this last month was the straw that broke the camel's back. I want to finally find out what is wrong with me. This determination has come at a poor time though. My husband is changing jobs and with this new place, he will be on a 90 probation before we get our health insurance back. This wait is going to take a lot of patience that I am very short on at the moment. So, as the months go by, I will keep everyone updated and continue to encourage those who are going through this difficulty; whether you are new to this, like I am, or if you've been there and done that. Please, share your stories and I pray that we can gather hope and strength from each other.
Love and prayers to all,
~Mrs. C.
"So now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13